Først så jeg inn i noen rom i et hus og hørte noe støy som kom fra noen jeg ikke så- min kone satt i sin fine mangefargede og røde kjøle og strikket- jeg gikk ut av denne leiligheten/huset og ba henne, nærmest tryglet henne å komme med meg- men det gjorde hun ikke- da jeg kom inn igjen så jeg det var flyttet en stor seng inn i rommet der det lo en yngre gutt i under en dyne. Jeg ba henne kome med meg, men det gjorde hun ikke. Satt og strikket og nærmest enset meg ikke. Da jeg fortvilt gikk inn igjen den tredje gangen lå hun i sengen med denne mannen/ gutten over han og viste hele sin kjønn som han mastuberte i vill fart og hun tett inntil over henne nesten naken. Jeg gikk grenseløst fortvilt bort. Denne drømmen sitter så hardt i meg at jeg forestiller meg nesten det er sant det jeg drømte, og jeg klarer nå like etterpå ikke å ha sex med henne for dette drømmebilde med henne i sex med en annen er så sterkt. Og jeg føler meg så elendig for jeg tror ikke med fornuften kunne ha vært utro selv om hun er en sjarmerende, og utadvendt dame.
Dreams can often reflect our subconscious thoughts and emotions, and they can be quite complex. In your dream, several key elements seem to stand out:
The House and Rooms: Houses in dreams often represent the self or one’s psyche. Different rooms might signify different aspects of your life or emotions. You saw inside rooms where some noise was happening, which could indicate feelings of confusion or anxiety about what is happening in your life or relationship.
Your Wife Knitting: Knitting symbolizes creation, nurturing, and the desire to build something (like a relationship). Her focus on this task, while you are trying to engage with her, may reflect feelings of disconnect or that she is preoccupied with something you do not fully understand.
Begging Her to Come with You: Your pleading could indicate a desire for connection and intimacy. It suggests feelings of abandonment or fear of losing that connection.
The Young Boy in the Bed: Seeing another male figure, especially a younger one, can evoke feelings of insecurity or inadequacy. It might symbolize fears of competition or inadequacy in your relationship.
The Intimacy between Your Wife and the Other Man: This is a clear source of distress and indicates deep fears of infidelity or betrayal. While the scenario feels particularly vivid and painful, it likely reflects underlying fears rather than a reality.
Aftermath of the Dream: The difficulty you have in being intimate with your wife after the dream indicates how powerful our subconscious thoughts can be. It may point to lingering insecurities or anxiety about trust and fidelity.
Overall, your dream seems to express deep-seated fears of losing intimacy and connection in your relationship, perhaps fueled by insecurities or external influences. It's understandable to feel impacted after such a vivid dream. It may be helpful to have open and honest conversations with your wife about any feelings of insecurity or concerns you have, as this can foster intimacy and understanding. Dreams can amplify feelings that need attention, and addressing them openly can be a step toward resolution.